
Entry (1/3)1  orana
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Meteorology
Explanations in Malagasy  4  Rano mirotsaka avy eny amin' ny habakabaka vokatry ny fivongovongoan' ny rahona ho rano: Mamelombelona ny zavaboary ny orana ~ Avy ny orana ~ Latsaka ny orana ~ Mitsahatra ny orana [1.1]
5  Rahona mihantona eny amin' ny rivotra manodidina ny tany izay tonga rano ka milatsaka mitaika ety ambonin' ny tany [1.1]
Explanations in English  6  Rain. [mal. Ujan; polyn. Na.] [1.2]
7  Rain [1.7]
Explanations in French  8  Pluie [1.8]
Examples  9  Midona ny orana any Ankaratra [2.131]
10  Simple :
11  Active verbs :
12  Adjectives :
Synonyms  13  ranonorana
Compound words 
Proverbs  20  Proverbs containing the word orana

Entry (2/3)21  orana
Part of speech  22  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  23  Fanadiovana na famotsiana ny firava-bolamena na volafotsy. [1.1]
24  Active verbs :
25  Passive verbs :
26  Nouns :

Entry (3/3)27  orana
Part of speech  28  noun
Vocabulary  29  Zoology: invertebrates
Explanations in Malagasy  30  patsa [1.78]
31  Karazam-biby mivelona any anaty rano, misy hodiny mafy, lavalava vatana, ary folo ny tanana aman-tongony ka ny roa voalohany misy kinifinifiny milentika amin' ny nofon' izay ketohiny [1.1]
Explanations in English  32  The Madagascar crayfish, which is very plentiful in the rivers and streams of the interior. It belongs to a genus peculiar to te island, and stands alone in some of the peculiarities of its structure. Astacoides madagascariensis, And. and M.-Edw. [comp. mal. Udang, a lobster; jav. And many Malayan languages uran, a prawn.] [1.2]
33  A shrimp [1.7]
Explanations in French  34  écrevisse [1.8]
Examples  35  Raha tia orana hianao dia hakanay anio alina, fa mora azo foana izy ireny raha itondrana fanilo [2.324]
Compound words 
Proverbs  40  Proverbs containing the word orana

Anagrams  41  anaro, arano, arona, orana, ranao, raona, roaña

Updated on 2023/08/03